When does bikini hair fall out after laser?

 When does bikini hair fall out after laser and what are the most

 important features of laser hair removal, first of all, the laser is one of the ideal solutions that help men and women remove unwanted hair, and this method has many advantages that made many people ignore other methods of hair removal and adopt On the laser to get the look they want, and today, through the contents of the site, the answer to a question that is frequently asked in the previous field, 

which is when will the bikini hair fall out after the laser?

When does bikini hair fall out after laser?

The effect of the laser is a gradual one, as the percentage of hair falling out immediately after the session is only about 20%, while the rest of the hair falls out during the next two weeks, and the effectiveness of the laser cannot be evaluated until after at least 10 sessions, as this period is often enough to obtain the expected result.

Advantages of using laser hair removal

After answering the question when does bikini hair fall out after laser, the most important advantages of using laser hair removal will be addressed, which are as follows:

  • Possibility of hair removal before its growth is completed: Laser hair removal does not require full hair growth. On the contrary, the doctor asks women and men who want to remove hair using a laser to shave the hair of the area to be exposed to laser rays immediately before the session.
  • Harmless to the skin: The intensity and intensity of the laser beams used for hair removal can be controlled, and this is determined by the area to be removed from, the strength of the hair and the sensitivity of the patient’s skin, and therefore it can be said that the laser in the hands of an expert is a completely safe device for the skin.
  • Very painless: The laser is a painless device that is somewhat portable for the patient, and the pain can be relieved during the session by using anesthetic sprays.
  • Satisfactory results: The laser has proven its effectiveness in permanently getting rid of unwanted and unwanted hair, and studies have confirmed that only 1 out of 7 women do not respond to laser sessions.
  • Save money: Although the price of a single laser session is not cheap compared to traditional methods of hair removal, the final total costs of laser hair removal are lower compared to the cost of other methods that women need to use for a long time.
  • Saving time: Some women consider that hair removal at home is a difficult task that consumes time and effort, so they neglect themselves and fail to remove the hair from their bodies.

Disadvantages of laser hair removal

Despite the many advantages mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are several disadvantages resulting from laser hair removal, including:

  • Skin irritation and redness: Skin irritation and redness are one of the common results immediately following the laser session. It is worth noting that 99% of women will suffer from redness and irritation of the skin after direct exposure to laser beams.
  • Effect on skin color: the skin color can change to become darker or lighter after exposure to laser rays many times and repeatedly, and it is believed that the sun’s rays have an important role in this because of their direct effect on skin cells and causing permanent changes in them.
  • Laser burns: Laser burns result from the incompetence of the supervising doctor or the expert responsible for conducting the laser session. These burns result from exposing the skin to strong and intense laser beams that the skin cannot tolerate, so it burns and may ulcerate and become inflamed in some special cases, which requires quick and effective management.
  • Non-immediate results: The laser requires patience and waiting for the final results without rushing, as a woman may need a large number of sessions before getting the desired result.
  • Limited use of lasers: Some believe that lasers can be used to treat all skin disorders and problems and to obtain the desired color and appearance, but this is inaccurate because the uses of lasers are limited to several areas, the most important of which is hair removal by destroying its follicles and roots.

Reasons for the appearance of hair after laser

Many women wonder about the reasons for the appearance of hair after a laser session, and the following are the most important ones:

  • Genetic factors: Some women have stubborn hair that is not affected by laser sessions and returns to grow with the same density after a period of laser session, and this is mainly related to genetic factors.
  • Personal factors: A woman may not commit to removing hair regularly and repeatedly with a laser, or she may use other methods of hair removal between laser sessions, and this is absolutely wrong, as this causes hair to appear quickly after the laser session.
  • Device type: There are many types of laser devices where the effectiveness varies from one type to another, and the doctor’s experience plays an important role in the effectiveness of the laser.

Important tips before laser hair removal

There are a set of important tips that must be adhered to before the laser session, such as:

  • Do not expose the surface layer of the skin to any chemicals or peels before the session, as these substances affect this layer and reduce its thickness to make the lower layers more affected by the laser, which can become harmful in this case.
  • Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, as the ultraviolet rays in it weaken the skin barrier, making it more affected by the laser rays that are used to remove hair and prevent its re-growth.
  • Avoid the use of perfumed substances, sprays, and creams that are used to reduce sweating and improve the smell of sweat, as these substances can interact in an undesirable way with laser beams, which may cause severe skin irritation and obvious redness.
  • Photographing the area from which hair is to be removed before the first laser session to compare it with the density of hair in the last session in the same area, and the effectiveness of the laser can be accurately estimated using this method.

Important tips after laser hair removal

After discussing the useful tips that must be done before the laser session, this paragraph will address the tips to be followed immediately after the session, the most important of which are:

  • Cool the area from which the hair was removed by washing it with cold water for a period of 5 to 10 minutes. It is not recommended to use soap or lotion immediately after the session, but water should be sufficient.
  • Avoid direct exposure to the sun, especially in the summer, and if necessary, apply sunscreen with a high degree of protection and use an umbrella to block the largest possible amount of ultraviolet rays that can harm the skin.
  • Do not rub the face or itch after the session, as the skin is very sensitive to any physical factor, and it should be sufficient to spray the face with cold water, which can relieve itching to a large extent.

Here the article ends, where the question of when the bikini hair falls out after the laser was answered, the advantages of using a laser to remove hair and its most important drawbacks, in addition to the reasons for the appearance of hair after the laser, and finally a set of important tips before and after the laser session were mentioned.
